Accountability and Transparency in Urban AI. In Ethical Urban AI in Practice: Policy Mechanisms to Establish Local Governance Frameworks – Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, 2025.
Towards Real Diversity and Gender Equality in Artificial Intelligence: Advancement Report. – GPAI, 2023.
Beyond Burnout: How I made my PhD and social research agile by adapting scrum values. – Jameson and Chronas, XP2023.
Transparency and accountability in urban artificial intelligence: Lessons from city initiatives – Jameson and Leal, Global Observatory of Urban AI, 2022.
AI and Cities: Risks, Applications and Governance – MILA & UN-Habitat, 2022.
Data governance clinics: A new approach to public-interest technology in cities. Jameson, Taylor and Noorman, 2021.
Acting Locally, Monitoring Globally: How to link citizen-generated data to SDG Monitoring – Data Shift and Open Knowledge International, Jameson, Lammerhirt, and Prasetyo, 2017.
Making Citizen-Generated Data Work: Towards a framework strengthening collaborations between citizens, civil society organisations, and others. Data Shift and Open Knowledge International, Lammerhirt, Jameson and Prasetyo, 2016.
Jameson, S., Baud, I., Peyroux, E., & Scott, D. (2021). The urban governance configuration: A conceptual framework for understanding complexity and enhancing transitions to greater sustainability in cities. Geography Compass, 1-17.
Taylor, L., Sharma, G., Martin, A., & Jameson, S. (Eds.) (2020). Data justice and COVID-19: Global perspectives. Meatspace Press.
Shazade Jameson, Christine Richter & Linnet Taylor (2019) People’s strategies for perceived surveillance in Amsterdam Smart City.
Richter, C., Taylor, L., Jameson, S., & Perez del Pulgar, C. (2019). Who are the end-user(s) of smart cities? A synthesis of conversations in Amsterdam. In C. Coletta, L. Evans, L. Heaphy, & R. Kitchin (Eds.), Creating smart cities (1 ed., pp. 212-231). Routledge.
Jameson, S., Varrel, A., Scott, D., & Sutherland, C. (Accepted/In press). Governance configurations of growth corridors in Chennai and Durban.
Taylor, L., Richter, C., Jameson, S., and Perez del Pulgar, C. (2016) ‘Customers, users or citizens? Inclusion, spatial data and governance in the smart city.’ KIP Maps4Society Final Project Report.
Jameson, S. and Baud, I.S.A. (2016) “Varieties of knowledge for assembling an urban flood management governance configuration in Chennai, India.” Habitat International.